
Final Task: Mystery of The Dorm Room Killer

Here is my movie, I hope you enjoy it. My group had a lot of fun making this video. I would definitely work with this group again. It took us just around two months to fully complete this film.   

Production Blog

 Today my group decided to work on the music for the final project. We went into a call and discussed what music we could use. This would take us around 45 minutes. We wouldn’t be able to actually do the call right away. We wanted to do the call at 6:00. I wasn’t able to join the call then. I was on the way back from a volleyball game. This would take me 45 minuets to get back. Once I got back to school, I went to 7-Eleven. I got a drink and some snacks cause I was hungry. I waited for my dad to pick me up. He got to the school around 7:30. I got home around around 8:00. From there I joined the call and we got to work. We started to talk about the songs we could use. We started to think about the intro. We decided that we could use a neutral song. The reason for this was so we wouldn’t give away any themes about the movie. The scary part we decided to use a an old classic sound. Then we went to the end and decided to use a sad song.

Production Blog

 Our group decided to go over the video. This was done over a a group call. We were talking about what we liked in the video. We also talked about what we did t like in the video. We then looked at the transitions which to us didn’t look like they were good enough. So then we started to think of ways to fix the transitions. This would be talked about between us in the group call. We would tell Alec ideas about the transitions. Then once Alec looked at our ideas he went into the editing software. He then started to work on fixing the transitions. He was working on the intro transitions for the first 30 minutes. Then he worked on the middle transitions. Finally he finished with the end transitions. During this time Marius and I were helping out Alec. He was sharing his screen so we could see what he was doing. So we would suggest certain things to do and he would do it. Then we went around editing certain things. We would look at certain edits and twist them to make them look cooler. We

Production Blog

 So today we have finishers with the editing of our video. This was a good thing for us because we are able to see our final product. Once we finished editing we looked over our video. We were looking them to see if anything was bad. We looked it over and everything seemed fine. We then were talking about what to do next. This is where we had some discussion. We had to talk about what we wanted to do next. One person wanted to relax and do nothing. One other person wanted to finish up the rest of the blogs. And I had no clue what to do. We then had an argument on what we should do it went nowhere. Then once we stopped arguing we then had to leave Marius place cause it got late. After we got home we texted each other. This text consists of us talking about what’s the next plan. We couldn’t come up with anything so we just decided to rest. This was what we all thought would be best. We would just relax. Then we would remind each other when we have blogs due. Once we would do that we woul

Production Blog

 So as of today we have finished filming. Well we finished filming on Monday the previous week during spring break. Alec and I meet up at Marius place to film around 12:30. Once we all got there we went right away to filming. We were able to film the first part of the intro. Once we had that finished we had to wait a little bit because Marius parents were finishing up some work. Once they were done with their work they left we were able to film the rest of our project. Once we finished our project we went and started out editing process. This would take us about a couple days. This is cause we wanted to edit each scene first then start to merge them together. We first planned to edit the opening scenes. Then work on merging them together. Then we would work on the middle scenes. Once they would be done we would merge them. Finally we would work on the final scenes. Then we would merger them together. Finally once we finished all the scenes and merging them together, we would finalize t

Production Blog

 Well for this week we didn’t really do much besides edit our final project. We went over the scenes, too see if any needed to be reshot. None of them seemed like they needed to be redone. We then all laughed at us trying to act. Which by the way is really bad. None of us are that good at acting. While we were doing that we let time pass by and almost forget to upload a previous blog. Once we uploaded our blog, we went and started out editing process. This would take us about a couple days. This is cause we wanted to edit each scene first then start to merge them together. We first planned to edit the opening scenes. Then work on merging them together. Then we would work on the middle scenes. Once they would be done we would merge them. Finally we would work on the final scenes. Then we would merger them together. Finally once we finished all the scenes and merging them together, we would finalize the whole video. Once we would do this we went over the whole thing. We watched it and it